ini 파일 읽어들이기


ini 파일은 각종 설정값 등을 정의한 설정 파일로, de facto 표준입니다. 단순 텍스트 파일로 되어 있어서 수정이 편리합니다.

ini 파일 예제

ini 파일은 다음과 같은 형태로 되어 있습니다.

; Test ini file

[version]                   ; INI file version
version = 1.02
version_name = Hello, snowdeer

[device_config]             ; Device configuration
mic_enabled = false
speaker_enabled = false
camera_enabled = true
motion_enabled = true

다음 헤더 파일만 프로젝트에 첨부하면 됩니다.


#ifndef __INI_H__
#define __INI_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stdio.h>

typedef int (*ini_handler)(void *user, const char *section,
                           const char *name, const char *value);

typedef char *(*ini_reader)(char *str, int num, void *stream);

int ini_parse(const char *filename, ini_handler handler, void *user);

int ini_parse_file(FILE *file, ini_handler handler, void *user);

int ini_parse_stream(ini_reader reader, void *stream, ini_handler handler,
                     void *user);


/* Nonzero to allow a UTF-8 BOM sequence (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF) at the start of
   the file. See */
#define INI_ALLOW_BOM 1

/* Nonzero to allow inline comments (with valid inline comment characters
   specified by INI_INLINE_COMMENT_PREFIXES). Set to 0 to turn off and match
   Python 3.2+ configparser behaviour. */

/* Nonzero to use stack, zero to use heap (malloc/free). */
#define INI_USE_STACK 1

/* Stop parsing on first error (default is to keep parsing). */

/* Maximum line length for any line in INI file. */
#ifndef INI_MAX_LINE
#define INI_MAX_LINE 200

#ifdef __cplusplus

/* inih -- simple .INI file parser

inih is released under the New BSD license (see LICENSE.txt). Go to the project
home page for more info:


#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_SECTION 50
#define MAX_NAME 50

/* Strip whitespace chars off end of given string, in place. Return s. */
inline static char *rstrip(char *s) {
  char *p = s + strlen(s);
  while (p > s && isspace((unsigned char) (*--p)))
    *p = '\0';
  return s;

/* Return pointer to first non-whitespace char in given string. */
inline static char *lskip(const char *s) {
  while (*s && isspace((unsigned char) (*s)))
  return (char *) s;

/* Return pointer to first char (of chars) or inline comment in given string,
   or pointer to null at end of string if neither found. Inline comment must
   be prefixed by a whitespace character to register as a comment. */
inline static char *find_chars_or_comment(const char *s, const char *chars) {
  int was_space = 0;
  while (*s && (!chars || !strchr(chars, *s)) &&
      !(was_space && strchr(INI_INLINE_COMMENT_PREFIXES, *s))) {
    was_space = isspace((unsigned char) (*s));
  while (*s && (!chars || !strchr(chars, *s))) {
  return (char *) s;

/* Version of strncpy that ensures dest (size bytes) is null-terminated. */
inline static char *strncpy0(char *dest, const char *src, size_t size) {
  strncpy(dest, src, size);
  dest[size - 1] = '\0';
  return dest;

/* See documentation in header file. */
inline int ini_parse_stream(ini_reader reader, void *stream, ini_handler handler,
                            void *user) {
  /* Uses a fair bit of stack (use heap instead if you need to) */
  char line[INI_MAX_LINE];
  char* line;
  char section[MAX_SECTION] = "";
  char prev_name[MAX_NAME] = "";

  char *start;
  char *end;
  char *name;
  char *value;
  int lineno = 0;
  int error = 0;

  line = (char*)malloc(INI_MAX_LINE);
    if (!line) {
        return -2;

  /* Scan through stream line by line */
  while (reader(line, INI_MAX_LINE, stream) != NULL) {

    start = line;
    if (lineno == 1 && (unsigned char) start[0] == 0xEF &&
        (unsigned char) start[1] == 0xBB &&
        (unsigned char) start[2] == 0xBF) {
      start += 3;
    start = lskip(rstrip(start));

    if (*start == ';' || *start == '#') {
      /* Per Python configparser, allow both ; and # comments at the
         start of a line */
    else if (*prev_name && *start && start > line) {

      end = find_chars_or_comment(start, NULL);
      if (*end)
        *end = '\0';

      /* Non-blank line with leading whitespace, treat as continuation
         of previous name's value (as per Python configparser). */
      if (!handler(user, section, prev_name, start) && !error)
        error = lineno;
    else if (*start == '[') {
      /* A "[section]" line */
      end = find_chars_or_comment(start + 1, "]");
      if (*end == ']') {
        *end = '\0';
        strncpy0(section, start + 1, sizeof(section));
        *prev_name = '\0';
      } else if (!error) {
        /* No ']' found on section line */
        error = lineno;
    } else if (*start) {
      /* Not a comment, must be a name[=:]value pair */
      end = find_chars_or_comment(start, "=:");
      if (*end == '=' || *end == ':') {
        *end = '\0';
        name = rstrip(start);
        value = lskip(end + 1);
        end = find_chars_or_comment(value, NULL);
        if (*end)
          *end = '\0';

        /* Valid name[=:]value pair found, call handler */
        strncpy0(prev_name, name, sizeof(prev_name));
        if (!handler(user, section, name, value) && !error)
          error = lineno;
      } else if (!error) {
        /* No '=' or ':' found on name[=:]value line */
        error = lineno;

    if (error)


  return error;

/* See documentation in header file. */
inline int ini_parse_file(FILE *file, ini_handler handler, void *user) {
  return ini_parse_stream((ini_reader) fgets, file, handler, user);

/* See documentation in header file. */
inline int ini_parse(const char *filename, ini_handler handler, void *user) {
  FILE *file;
  int error;

  file = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (!file)
    return -1;
  error = ini_parse_file(file, handler, user);
  return error;

#endif /* __INI_H__ */

#ifndef __INIREADER_H__
#define __INIREADER_H__

#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>

// Read an INI file into easy-to-access name/value pairs. (Note that I've gone
// for simplicity here rather than speed, but it should be pretty decent.)
class IniReader {
  // Construct IniReader and parse given filename. See ini.h for more info
  // about the parsing.
  IniReader(std::string filepath);

  // Return the result of ini_parse(), i.e., 0 on success, line number of
  // first error on parse error, or -1 on file open error.
  int parseError();

  // Return the list of sections found in ini file
  std::set<std::string> sections();

  // getString a string value from INI file, returning default_value if not found.
  std::string getString(std::string section, std::string name,
                        std::string default_value);

  // getString an integer (long) value from INI file, returning default_value if
  // not found or not a valid integer (decimal "1234", "-1234", or hex "0x4d2").
  long getLong(std::string section, std::string name, long default_value);

  // getString a real (floating point double) value from INI file, returning
  // default_value if not found or not a valid floating point value
  // according to strtod().
  double getDouble(std::string section, std::string name, double default_value);

  // getString a boolean value from INI file, returning default_value if not found or if
  // not a valid true/false value. Valid true values are "true", "yes", "on", "1",
  // and valid false values are "false", "no", "off", "0" (not case sensitive).
  bool getBool(std::string section, std::string name, bool default_value);

  int _error;
  std::map<std::string, std::string> _values;
  std::set<std::string> _sections;
  static std::string makeKey(std::string section, std::string name);
  static int valueHandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name,
                          const char *value);

#endif  // __INIREADER_H__

#ifndef __INIREADER__
#define __INIREADER__

#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>

using std::string;

inline IniReader::IniReader(string filepath) {
  _error = ini_parse(filepath.c_str(), valueHandler, this);

inline int IniReader::parseError() {
  return _error;

inline std::set<string> IniReader::sections() {
  return _sections;

inline string IniReader::getString(string section, string name, string default_value) {
  string key = makeKey(section, name);
  return _values.count(key) ? _values[key] : default_value;

inline long IniReader::getLong(string section, string name, long default_value) {
  string valstr = getString(section, name, "");
  const char *value = valstr.c_str();
  char *end;
  // This parses "1234" (decimal) and also "0x4D2" (hex)
  long n = strtol(value, &end, 0);
  return end > value ? n : default_value;

inline double IniReader::getDouble(string section, string name, double default_value) {
  string valstr = getString(section, name, "");
  const char *value = valstr.c_str();
  char *end;
  double n = strtod(value, &end);
  return end > value ? n : default_value;

inline bool IniReader::getBool(string section, string name, bool default_value) {
  string valstr = getString(section, name, "");
  // Convert to lower case to make string comparisons case-insensitive
  std::transform(valstr.begin(), valstr.end(), valstr.begin(), ::tolower);
  if (valstr == "true" || valstr == "yes" || valstr == "on" || valstr == "1")
    return true;
  else if (valstr == "false" || valstr == "no" || valstr == "off" || valstr == "0")
    return false;
    return default_value;

inline string IniReader::makeKey(string section, string name) {
  string key = section + "=" + name;
  // Convert to lower case to make section/name lookups case-insensitive
  std::transform(key.begin(), key.end(), key.begin(), ::tolower);
  return key;

inline int IniReader::valueHandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name,
                                   const char *value) {
  IniReader *reader = (IniReader *) user;
  string key = makeKey(section, name);
  if (reader->_values[key].size() > 0)
    reader->_values[key] += "\n";
  reader->_values[key] += value;
  return 1;

#endif  // __INIREADER__


#include "IniReader.h"

#include <iostream>

int main(void) {

  IniReader reader("test.ini");

  if (reader.parseError() < 0) {
    std::cout << "Can't load 'test.ini'\n";
    return 1;

  double version = reader.getDouble("version", "version", -1);
  string version_name = reader.getString("version", "version_name", "");

  printf("Version:%.2f, (%s)\n", version, version_name.c_str());

  bool mic_enabled = reader.getBool("device", "mic_enabled", false);
  bool speaker_enabled = reader.getBool("device", "speaker_enabled", false);
  bool camera_enabled = reader.getBool("device", "camera_enabled", false);
  bool motion_enabled = reader.getBool("device", "motion_enabled", false);

  printf("mic_enabled : %d, speaker_enabled: %d, camera_enabled:%d, motion_enabled:%d\n",
         mic_enabled, speaker_enabled, camera_enabled, motion_enabled);

  return 0;